Introducing the 21st Edition of Genstat
The 21st edition of Genstat provides new procedures to help determine the appropriate fixed terms to include in a REML analysis. Generally, REML software (including previous Genstat editions) are focused on the random model. However, with the widespread usage of REML across many applications beyond plant and animal breeding, tools for selecting the best fixed model are becoming essential. Using the new menus and procedures in the 21st Edition, you can now explore the fixed model by adding and dropping terms, as you would in an ordinary regression. You can also fit all subsets of the fixed terms and use statistics such as the Akaike or Schwarz Bayesian Information Coefficients to decide on the best fixed model.
Another exciting enhancement is the addition of new menus to encourage and facilitate the use of Genstat’s commands. You can insert standard sections of code into a text window to use, for example, in for loops and if-blocks. Furthermore, you can enter the options and parameters of any directive or procedure, enabling you to easily build a program of Genstat commands in a text window.
The 21st Edition also offers new menus and procedures for multi-treatment meta analysis based on summary results from individual experiments, for response surfaces and for separation plots. There are also new commands to construct augmented block designs and doubly resolvable row-column designs. Moreover, the 21st Edition includes many other useful extensions, including the ability to provide BLUPs from ANOVA and new formats for displaying dates and times. To learn more about the new features in the 21st Edition of Genstat visit:
You can also watch video tutorials of some of the new features.
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