ASReml-SA | Statistical Analysis Software Using REML | VSNi
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ASReml-SA | Rich Statistical Analysis Software Specially Designed for Linear Mixed Models

Fit linear mixed models using advanced Residual Maximum Likelihood (REML) techniques from a world leader in data analysis

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Learn how to harness the power of our data analysis software by watching the video below.

Harness the power of REML statistical analysis software

ASReml-SA is powerful statistical software specially designed for mixed models using Residual Maximum Likelihood (REML) to estimate the parameters. Linear mixed-effects models provide a rich and flexible tool for the analysis of many data sets commonly arising in animal, plant and aqua breeding, agriculture, environmental sciences and medical sciences.
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ASReml-SA 4.2 - processing speed gains

ASReml-SA 4.2 delivers impressive gains in processing speed. These gains depend upon a variety of factors including: microprocessor, machine power, dataset size and type of analysis run, among others, and they will vary between users. Below are some example gains the ASReml team were able to quantify
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ASReml-SA Key Features

ASReml Case Studies

Our analytics software and consulting services are chosen by seed, plant, aqua and animal breeding companies worldwide to support and inform the development of new varieties, strains, stocks and breeds.