ASReml-R | Statistical Analysis Software For An R Environment | VSNi

ASReml-R | Powerful Statistical Analysis Software

Statistical analysis software from VSNi for mixed models using Residual Maximum Likelihood (REML) in an R environment

Key Features Of ASReml-R

Enrich Your ASReml-R Experience

Created by VSNi, these free R packages offer exceptional benefits to enhance your analysis experience.
FREE tool to help you explore and prepare your phenotypic and genomic datasets ready for analysis using any R packages.
ASRtriala is a free R tool designed to give plant breeders more in-depth analyses of their single and multi-environment trials.

Video title testing

Watch the video below to find out how you can use ASReml-R to analyse complex data sets.

ASReml-R Interactive Demo

Take a tour of ASReml-R with our interactive demo(s), taking you through several analyses, pre-loaded with sample data to get you started easily.

Hierarchical model with ASReml

In this interactive demo you will specify a linear mixed model with nested random effects to identify each stratum, then fit a multi-level model and explore variance components to identify the main factors that affect the variability

Modelling Binomial Proportions

Compare the effectiveness of three analgesic drugs to a standard drug, morphine, by testing the response in 14 groups of mice.

Principal Components Analysis

The Principal Components Analysis demo is an interactive demo, pre-loaded with sample data to give you a real feel of using Genstat for your analysis.

ASReml-R Case Studies 

Our statistical analytics software and consulting services are chosen by seed, plant, aqua and animal breeding companies worldwide to support and inform the development of new varieties, strains, stocks and breeds.
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